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郭昌陇1, 张鹏1, 郑伟1, 汪扬1, 王司阳2
当今强人类活动干扰使我国城市湖泊生态问题愈发严重,湖泊生态系统安全状态已经成为人们关注的热点问题,了解湖泊水生态系统健康状况对精准治理和生态修复与保护尤为重要。鱼类作为水生食物链的高级消费者,是水生态系统重要组成部分,也是评估水生态健康状况的重要指标。本研究选取了武汉市及周边10个城市湖泊作为研究对象,利用环境DNA(eDNA)技术分析鱼类群落特征状况,在此基础上,建立针对城市湖泊水域生态健康的鱼类生物完整性指数(F-IBI)评价体系,评估研究湖泊的健康状况。结果表明,调查期间共检测到50种鱼类,隶属于7目10科39属,鲤形目鲤科鱼类为优势类群,贝氏?Hemiculter bleekeri、鳙Hypophthalmichthys nobilis、波氏吻鰕虎Rhinogobius cliffordpopei、子陵吻鰕虎Rhinogobius giurinus、鲤Cyprinus carpio、团头鲂Megalobrama amblycephala、鲫Carassius auratus为优势物种。F-IBI评价结果显示,在全部 27 个采样点中,11个健康等级为健康,占40.74%;4个健康等级为亚健康,占14.81%;10个健康等级为一般,占 37.04%;2 个健康等级为较差,占7.41%。结合湖泊水质状况数据分析可知,评价结果较好地体现不同湖泊水生态系统健康状况,表明基于eDNA技术的F-IBI方法在水生态系统健康评价中表现良好。研究成果为指导城市湖泊水生态保护和修复工作提供了有力的基础支撑。
关键词:  生物完整性指数  鱼类多样性  环境DNA  湖泊健康评价  
Aquatic Ecosystem Health Assessment of Urban Lakes in Wuhan and Surrounding Cities Based on eDNA fish community monitoring
GUO Changlong, ZHANG Peng1, ZHENG Wei, WANG Yang, WANG Siyang2
1.School of Water Resource, Wuhan University;2.School of Civil Architecture and Environment, Hubei University of Technology
Due to the interference of strong human activities, the ecological problems of urban lakes have become increasingly prominent. As a high-level consumer of the aquatic food chain, fish is an important part of the aquatic ecosystem and an important indicator of the health of aquatic ecosystems. In this study, ten urban lakes in Wuhan and its surrounding areas were selected as study areas. Fish data monitored by Environmental DNA were used to analyze the characteristics of fish communities and establish a fish-based Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI). The health status of lakes is evaluated and studied through the Fish Biological Integrity Index (F-IBI) evaluation system targeting the ecological health of urban lake water bodies.The research revealed that during the survey periods,there were 50 fish species belonging to 39 genera, 10 families, and 7 orders. Among them, 7 species, including Hemiculter bleekeri, Hypophthalmichthys nobilis, Rhinogobius cliffordpopei, Rhinogobius giurinus, Cyprinus carpio, Megalobrama amblycephala and Carassius auratus were identified as dominant species.At the order and family levels, Cypriniformes and Cyprinidae fish are the dominant groups. The IBI evaluation result shows that among all the 27 sampling points in ten lakes, 11 sites were evaluated being health, accounting for 40.74%; 4 sites being sub-health, accounting for 14.81%; 10 sites being general, accounting for 37.04%;2 sites being poor, accounting for 7.41%. Analysis based on the lake water quality data shows that the evaluation results reasonably reflect the health of the different urban lake ecosystem. The study indicates that the eDNA-based F-IBI method performs well in ecosystem health assessment of urban lakes. The research result provides strong basic support for guiding the precise ecological restoration and ecosystem management.
Key words:  index of biological integrity  fish diversity  environmental DNA  lake health assessment  