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吴燕锋1, 倪炳波1, 董李勤2,2, 张昆3, 章清松1, 孙嘉豪1
黄河源区湿地在维系区域及黄河下游水安全和生态安全中发挥着极为重要的作用。深入探究黄河源区湿地如何以及在何种程度上影响流域水文过程,对区域湿地恢复与保护和水资源综合管理具有重要意义。以若尔盖湿地白河流域为研究区,构建了耦合湿地模块的HYDROTEL模型,基于有和无湿地情景的水文过程模拟,定量评估了2000-2022年流域湿地对径流、洪水、干旱和水源涵养的影响,揭示了流域湿地的多水文功能性。结果表明:白河流域湿地降低了径流的不均匀性和变异性,对径流分配不均匀系数、完全调节系数、集中程度和月变幅的削减作用分别为11.7%、9.18%、8.39%和20.84%;研究时段,流域湿地发挥着削减洪水和缓解干旱的作用,对3月流量、7月流量、年最大洪峰流量和Q5流量削减作用分别为741.6×104 m3、-2427.8×104 m3、-1398.9×104 m3和-324.5×104 m3,对Q95和基流的增强作用分别为19.9×104 m3和5.8×104 m3。此外,湿地可提升流域蓄水能力和水源涵养能力(分别提升30.6 %和19.8 %)。因此,白河流域湿地发挥着重要的径流调节、洪水削减、干旱延缓和水源涵养提升的功能。本研究定量评估了白河流域湿地的多水文功能性,研究思路方法和研究结果可从水文功能提升视角为若尔盖湿地恢复与保护提供重要支撑。
关键词:  湿地  水文模拟  水文功能  定量评估  白河流域
基金项目:国家自然科学(U2243230, 421010514, 42371169)、国家重点研发计划项目(2021YFC3200203)、中国博士后(2022M723129, 2021M693155)和中国科学院战略先导项目(XDA28020501, XDA28100105)联合资助;通讯作者wuyanfeng@iga.ac.cn
Quantitative assessment of multi-hydrological functionality of wetlands in the source region of the Yellow River: a case study of the Bai River Basins in the Ruoergai Wetland
吴燕锋,Ni Bingbo,Dong Liqin,Zhang Kun,Zhang Qingsog,Sun Jiahao
Wetlands in the Yellow River"s source region play a critical role in ensuring water and ecological security both locally and downstream. Understanding how and to what extent wetlands in the Yellow River"s source region influence hydrological processes is crucial for restoring and protecting these wetlands and ensuring sustainable regional ecological development. The HYDROTEL model, integrated with wetland modules, was developed for the Bai River Basin in the Ruoergai wetland. Based on simulations with and without wetlands, the multi-hydrological functionality of wetlands were quantitatively assessed in terms of runoff, flood, drought, and basin water conservation. The results show that the wetlands in the Baihe River Basin decreased the unevenness and variability of runoff, with reductions of 11.7%, 9.18%, 8.39%, and 20.84% observed in the unevenness distribution coefficient, complete adjustment coefficient, concentration degree, and monthly variation amplitude, respectively. During the study period, the basin"s wetlands have been instrumental in flood mitigation and drought alleviation. The reductions in March flow, July flow, annual maximum flood peak, and Q5 flow mitigated by wetlands were 741.6×104 m3, -2427.8×104 m3, -1398.9×104 m3, and -324.5×104 m3, respectively. The improvements in Q95 and base flow were 19.9×104 m3 and 5.8×104 m3, respectively. Furthermore, wetlands improved the basin"s water storage and conservation capacity by 30.6% and 19.8%, respectively. Consequently, wetlands in the Baihe River Basin serve crucial functions in regulating runoff, mitigating floods, alleviating droughts, and enhancing water conservation. This study quantitatively assesses the multi-hydrological functionality of wetlands in the Baihe River Basin, offering insights and methodologies that significantly support the restoration and protection of the Ruoergai wetlands from a hydrological enhancement perspective.
Key words:  Wetlands  Hydrological modeling  Hydrological functions  Quantitative assessment  Bai River Basin