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王振山1, 王天亮2, 景海华1, 刘建卫1, 逄晓腾1
关键词:  沼泽湿地  SPEI  NDVI  累积效应  滞后效应
The response characterization of wetland vegetation to dry and wet condition-A Case Study of the Naoli River Group Wetland
Wang Zhenshan1, Wang Tianliang2, Jing Haihua1, Liu Jianwei1, Pang Xiaoteng1
1.:Institute of Water and Environmental Research,Faculty of Infrastructure Engineering,Dalian University of Technology;2.:Heilongjiang Provincial Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power Investigation,Design and Research Institute
Climate is the main driver of wetland formation and development, and moisture gains and losses caused by climate change can pose a serious threat to wetland vegetation. Quantifying the response characteristics of wetland vegetation to wet and dry states is important for wetland ecological restoration. The Naoli River wetland complex is an important freshwater marsh wetland concentration area in China, which is representative of temperate wetland ecosystems around the world. Therefore, this paper analyzed the evolution of NDVI and SPEI in the Naoli River Wetland Group Reserve from 2003 to 2023 based on the Normalized Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Multi-scale Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI), taking the wetland vegetation in the Reserve as the study object. The study period was divided into drought, wet and flood periods according to the dry and wet status, based on which the response characteristics of NDVI to the cumulative and lagged effects of SPEI were revealed. The results showed that in the drought period, the response time of NDVI to SPEI cumulative and lagged effects in Flexi River and Dongsheng Wetland Reserve was shorter (2 months), and the response time of NDVI to SPEI to cumulative (9 months) and lagged (4-6 months) effects in Qixing River and Sanhuanpao Wetland Reserve was longer. The response of NDVI to SPEI to the cumulative effect (9 months) and lagged effect (9-10 months, 9-11 months) was longer for each wetland reserve during the wet period and flooding period. Meteorological conditions showed a positive correlation between NDVI and SPEI in mild drought and wetness (-1.151.20) and the transition from drought to wetness. The results of the study provide reference value for the in-depth study of the response characteristics of wetland vegetation to
Key words:  Swamp wetlands  SPEI  NDVI  Cumulative effects  Lag effects