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赵明光1, 冯广朋1, 王海华1, 陈建华2, 沈晨晨3, 张燕萍1, 章海鑫1, 傅义龙1, 姚远1, 徐维康2
关键词:  鄱阳湖  食性    乌鳢    翘嘴鲌  胃含物分析法  eDNA宏条形码技术
Dietary analysis of ferocious fishes in Poyang Lake based on stomach content analysis and eDNA Metabarcoding technology
Zhao Mingguang1, Feng Guangpeng1, Wang Haihua1, Chen Jianhua2, Shen Chenchen3, Zhang Yanpin1, Zhang Haixin1, Fu Yilong1, Yao Yuan1, Xu Weikang2
1.Jiangxi Fisheries Research Institute;2.School of Marine Science and Fisheries of Jiangsu Ocean University;3.East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences
After the closure of fishing in the Yangtze River, the recovery of carnivorous fish resources in Poyang Lake has been significant, and exploring their dietary composition in the natural environment is crucial for predicting the development trend of fish resources in Poyang Lake. This study collected 240 specimens of Silurus asotus, Channa argus, Siniperca chuatsi, and Culter alburnus with three-layer drift gillnet at five sampling points (Duchang, Nanjishan, Poyang, Yugan, and Jinxian) in Poyang Lake from August to November 2022. The dietary composition of four fierce fish species in Poyang Lake was analyzed using stomach content analysis and eDNA Metabarcoding technology. The results of Stomach content analysis showed that these fish species had a high feeding rate and a low empty stomach rate. Fish constituted a significant part of their diet, followed by shrimp. The diets of S. asotus, C. argus, S. chuatsi, and C. alburnus consisted of prey from 5 categories and 10 species, 4 categories and 15 species, 3 categories and 11 species, and 5 categories and 12 species, respectively, with the highest IRI% prey being Carassius auratus, C. auratus, Hemiculter leucisculus, and Cyprinus carpio, respectively. C. auratus, C. carpio, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, and Macrobrachium nipponense were found in the intestinal contents of all four fierce fish species. The results based on eDNA metabarcoding technology show that the types of prey organisms are similar to those obtained from stomach content analysis, identifying 7, 5, 6, and 6 prey species in the gut contents of S. asotus, C. argus, S. chuatsi, and C. alburnus, respectively, with C. carpio, C. carpio, C. carpio, and Hypophthalmichthys molitrix having the highest relative abundance percentages. Additionally, eDNA metabarcoding technology revealed new prey species not detected in stomach content analysis, including Megalobrama amblycephala, Pseudobrama simoni, Hemiculter bleekeri, and Ancherythroculter nigrocauda. In summary, after the fishing ban in the Yangtze River, the predatory fish in Poyang Lake have an abundant food supply and a wide diet range, with fish being their primary food source, followed by shrimp. And the combination of stomach content analysis and eDNA metabarcoding technology allows for a more comprehensive investigation of fish diets, making it an effective approach for analyzing fish feeding habits.
Key words:  Poyang Lake  Diet  Silurus asotus  Channa argus  Siniperca chuatsi  Culter alburnus  Stomach content analysis  eDNA Metabarcoding