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张玉晴1, 刘佳音2, 蔡元锋3, 张民4, 史小丽4, 杜瑛珣4, 苏雅玲4, 施丽梅4, 吴庆龙4
关键词:  蓝藻  藻菌互作  碳氮循环  环境因素
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(32371606, 31971449),江苏省创新支撑计划(软科学研究)(BK20231516)联合资助。
Progress in research on cyanobacteria-bacteria interactions and their effects on carbon and nitrogen cycles
Zhang Yuqing,Liu Jiayin,Cai Yuanfeng,Zhang Min,Shi Xiaoli,Du Yingxun,Su Yalin,Shi Li mei,Wu Qinlong
State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Various interactions between algae and bacteria significantly influence the primary productivity of aquatic ecosystems, algae community composition, dynamics of competition and succession among algal species, and development of algal blooms. Metabolic coupling facilitates the cycling of crucial biogenic elements, including carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur, throughout the water column. In freshwater ecosystems, cyanobacterial blooms remain a persistent and essential threat to the aquatic environment health, and a steady state of weekly cyanobacterial bloom occurrence has developed in many water bodies. Interactions and metabolic exchanges between cyanobacteria and associated bacteria are pivotal to carbon and nitrogen cycles in aquatic systems and are modulated by environmental factors. This review examines the implications of cyanobacteria-bacteria interactions on cyanobacterial growth, toxicity, colony persistence, and diversity and the factors influencing cyanobacteria-bacteria interactions. The influences of carbon- and nitrogen-related functional microbial communities on the cycling processes within the phycosphere and the broader aquatic ecosystem were assessed. Moreover, the effects of cyanobacterial community particles, attachment and environmental factors such as temperature, nutrient levels, pollutants, and iron, sulphur and phosphorus, on the metabolic linkage and transfer of carbon and nitrogen between cyanobacteria and bacteria were summarized, and the feedback mechanisms of these interactions were discussed. Additionally, principal research methodologies for studying algae-bacteria interactions and carbon and nitrogen transformation processes and transformation fluxes between algae and bacteria were explored. Advances in these studies may provide insights into the mechanisms of algae-bacteria interactions mediated by cyanobacterial blooms and the microbiological processes underlying the cycling and fluxes of biogenic elements in water bodies.
Key words:  cyanobacteria  algae-bacteria interactions  carbon and nitrogen cycles  environmental factor