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张广明, 王平, 耿旭, 申冠卿, 张原锋
关键词:  床面形态  黄河下游:过渡河段  动床阻力  多波束测深系统
Bed form morphology in transitional reaches of the lower Yellow River and its influence on movable bed resistance
zhang guangming, wang ping, geng xu, shen guanqing, zhang yuanfeng
Yellow River Institute of Hydraulic Research
Since the operation of Xiaolangdi Reservoir in 1999, the bankfull discharge of the transitional reaches of the lower reaches of the Yellow River is smaller than that of the upper and lower reaches. This "bottleneck" phenomenon seriously restricts the flood magnitude of Xiaolangdi Reservoir. It is of great significance to study the characteristics of its bed morphology and the change of movable bed resistance for flood discharge and sediment transport in the lower reaches of the Yellow River. In this study, a multi-beam sounding system was used to observe the bed morphology of the transitional reach of the lower Yellow River, and the influence of the bed morphology on the movable bed resistance was analyzed based on the measured flow process of typical hydrological stations in the transitional reach in recent years. The results show that: (1) the bed form of the transitional reach of the lower Yellow River are dunes when the discharge is lower than 1500~2000m3/s with small lee slope angles about 6.57°. When the flow discharge is greater than 1500~2000m3/s, the dunes are eroded and the bed form tends to be flat. (2) The change trend of movable bed resistance and Manning resistance is similar when the flow discharge of transitional river reach is lower than 1500~2000m3/s. When the flow discharge is greater than 1500~2000m3/s, the river regime coefficient decreases, the main channel tends to be narrow and deep, the movable bed resistance is less than the Manning resistance, and the influence of bank wall resistance can no longer be ignored. (3) Bed sand coarsing is an essential factor affecting the change of bed morphology in the lower Yellow River. When the median particle size of bed sand exceeds 0.12mm, the bed morphology changes significantly. This study clarified the flow threshold of bed form transformation in transitional reach of the lower Yellow River and revealed the variation of movable-bed resistance in transitional reach of the lower Yellow River under the change of bed shape. This research has certain guiding significance for Xiaolangdi Reservoir operation and river management in the lower Yellow River.
Key words:  Bed form  Lower Yellow River: Transitional reach  movable bed resistance  Multi-Beam Echo Sounding System