摘要: |
环境DNA(eDNA)技术是近年来国际生态学领域最重要的革命性技术之一,eDNA宏基因组技术在浮游植物监测领域的应用尚少。为探究人类活动对高原湿地浮游植物群落的影响,采集贵州草海北侧(人类活动高干扰区)、南侧(人类活动低干扰区)水样,运用宏基因组学结合eDNA技术分析浮游植物群落组成、多样性及环境相关性。结果表明:草海浮游植物群落分属9门、58科、101属、152种。在门水平以蓝藻门(93.73%±2.92%)占绝对优势,在属水平以微囊藻属、束丝藻属、双色藻属、小雪藻属为主,物种水平以铜绿微囊藻和水华束丝藻为优势类群。人类活动高干扰区的浮游植物群落多样性显著低于低干扰区。主成分分析显示浮游植物在两区域间的群落组成有一定差异;LEfSe差异分析揭示微囊藻、聚球藻及腔球藻是草海人类活动高干扰区的生物标志物,束丝藻、微鞘藻是低干扰区的指示种。Mantel test分析、共现网络分析及冗余分析表明,总磷(TP)是影响草海湿地浮游植物的关键环境因子,人类活动通过改变TP、叶绿素a(Chl-a)及溶解性总固体(TDS)等水体环境,影响浮游植物生物量、多样性和群落结构组成。本文利用eDNA宏基因组学技术解析了草海湿地浮游植物群落变化,为该技术在生物监测领域的应用及高原湿地浮游植物评估提供参考。 |
关键词: 浮游藻类 环境DNA 宏基因组学 高原湖泊 |
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基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(面上项目,重点项目,重大项目), |
The responses of phytoplankton communities to anthropogenic activities in Caohai wetland based on environmental DNA metagenome |
Guo Jin, Dai Liangliang, JiangJuan, Long Yunchuan
Guizhou Institute of Biology,Guizhou Academy of Sciences
Abstract: |
Environmental DNA (eDNA) technology has emerged as a revolutionary tool in the field of international ecology, yet its application in phytoplankton monitoring remains relatively limited. To investigate the impact of anthropogenic activity on phytoplankton communities in plateau wetlands, water samples were collected from both the north side (high-disturbance area of anthropogenic activities) and south side (low-disturbance area) of Caohai, Guizhou. The composition, biodiversity, and environmental correlation of the phytoplankton community were analyzed by the techniques of metagenomics combined with eDNA. The results showed that the phytoplankton communities in Caohai were classified into 9 phyla, 58 families, 101 genera, and 152 species. In the taxa of phylum, Cyanophyta was the dominant with an average relative abundance of 93.73%±2.92%. At the genus level, Microcystis, Aphanizomenon, Cyanobium, and Snowella were the dominant groups. While at the species level, Microcystis aeruginosa and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae were the dominants. Furthermore, it was observed that areas with high disturbance exhibited significantly lower biodiversity in their phytoplankton communities compared to low-interference areas. Principal component analysis (PCA) indicated distinct differences in phytoplankton community composition between the two regions. LEfSe analysis further revealed that Microcystaceae, Synechococcaceae and Coelosphaeriaceae were the biomarkers in the high-disturbance area, while Aphanizomenonaceae, and Microcoleaceae were significantly enriched in the low-disturbance area. Mantel test analysis, co-occurrence network analysis, and redundancy analysis (RDA) showed that total phosphorus (TP) was the key environmental factor affecting phytoplankton communities in Caohai Wetland, anthropogenic activities exerted influence on the biomass, biodiversity, and community structure of phytoplankton by changing the key water environment such as TP, chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), and total dissolved solids (TDS). In this paper, eDNA metagenomics technology was employed to elucidate the changes in phytoplankton communities in Caohai wetland under different intensities of human activities, and provided valuable insights for the application of this technology in biological monitoring and the assessment of phytoplankton in plateau wetlands. |
Key words: phytoplankton environmental DNA metagenomics plateau lake |