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不同输入设置对 LSTM 洪水预报模型应用效果的影响
覃睿, 张小琴
关键词:  长短时记忆神经网络  洪水预报  资料拼接  步长设置  建阳流域
Comparison study on the application performance of LSTM flood forecasting model under different input methods
Qin Rui, Zhang Xiaoqin
College of Hydrology and Water Resources,Hohai University
The Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model requires continuous input data in time series. Choosing appropriate input factors and input methods is of great significance for improving the application performance of LSTM in flood forecasting. In this study, three input methods are set to consider the discontinuous temporal characteristics of flood events including a fixed time step input method 1 that concatenates flood events, a dynamic time step input method 2 that considers floods separately, and an input method 3 that combines fixed and dynamic time steps by separating treatment of flood events; seven input schemes are designed by considering the above input methods with rainfall, streamflow, and both rainfall and streamflow as input factors respectively; the application performance of LSTM model with different input schemes is compared in the Jianyang River Basin. The results show that: (1) The LSTM model with rainfall and streamflow as input factors (schemes 3, 6, and 7) yields better flood calculation results than those with only rainfall (schemes 2 and 5) or only streamflow (schemes 1 and 4) as input factors. (2) When the lead times are 1-2 hours, there is no significant difference in the prediction results of schemes 3, 6, and 7; when the lead times are 3-5 hours, the scheme 7 that combines fixed step size and dynamic step size settings has the best performance. (3) The scheme 7 is to use multiple models with the lead times of 1-3 hours and a single model with the lead time of 1 hour for rolling forecasting, the multi model approach has higher accuracy in predicting flood peaks within the lead time of 3 hours. The research results can provide reference for the selection of input factors and time step setting of LSTM flood forecasting model, combining the setting of fixed time step and dynamic time step can improve the accuracy of flood forecasting under longer lead times.
Key words:  Long short-term memory neural network  flood forecasting  data splicing  step size setting  Jianyang River Basin