摘要: |
水体中氮磷水平和比例对生态系统结构和功能有重要影响,氮磷化学计量是淡水生态研究的重要内容。受区域环境影响,水体氮磷化学计量特征具有明显的地域性,为深入理解华南地区大型水库氮磷化学计量特征,本研究以典型大型水库(高州水库)为对象,于2023年1月-12月期间开展野外调查,运用多元统计分析影响氮磷化学计量时空动态的因子。结果表明,水库氮、磷浓度和质量比均具有明显的时空异质性。河流区氮磷浓度明显高于湖泊区,峰值出现在3月-4月,而湖泊区出现在11月。河流区TN:TP比均值为15 ± 5,指示水体处于氮磷共限制状态;湖泊区为24 ± 11,指示水体在磷限制和氮磷共限制状态之间。水体溶解无机氮(DIN)大于0.13 mg/L而溶解无机磷(SRP)长期小于0.01 mg/L,指示磷是浮游植物最主要的限制性资源。底层水体较低的SRP磷指示较弱的内源释放,水库磷主要受外源输入影响,水温、水体稳定性和浮游植物是影响氮磷时空分布的主要因子。研究结果表明,对外源营养盐输入的控制调节水库氮磷化学计量和富营养化防治的关键。 |
关键词: 大型水库 氮 磷 化学计量 |
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基金项目:广东省自然科学基金项目(2024A1515012604)和国家自然科学基金项目(31901144) |
Spatial and temperal feature of nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry in Large Reservoir in South China: a cause study of Gaozhou reservoir |
Abstract: |
Abstract: Nitrogen and phosphorus level and ratio essencially effects on ecosystem structure and function, which is an important topic of freshwater ecological research. Nitrogen and
phosphorus stoichiometry is affected by regional environment and of pronounced regional feature. TIn order to understand the featurecharacteristics of nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry in large reservoirs in South China, the study carried out a field inverstiagation from January to December 2023 in a typical large reservoir (Gaozhou Reservoir), and multivariate statistics was used to analyze the factors affecting the spatio-temporal dynamics of nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry. The results show that the concentration and mass ratio of nitrogen and phosphorus both were spatiotemporal heterogeneity. The concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus in riverine zone was significantly higher than that in lucastrine zone, of which the peak occurred in March-April in riverine zone and in November in lucastrine zone. The average TN: TP mass ratio in riverine zone was 15 ± 5, indicated nitrogen and phosphorus co-limitation on primary production, while it was 24±11 in lucastrine zone indicated the production suffered the switcth between phosphorus to nitrogen and phosphorus co-limitation. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) was greater than 0.13mg/L and dissolved inorganic phosphorus (SRP) was less than 0.01 mg/L in the reservoir, indicated that phosphorus was the mainly limiting resource for phytoplankton competitiongrowth. Low SRP in bottom water indicates little internal nutirents release, and external input was the mainly source for phosphorus in the reservoir. Water temperature, water stability and phytoplankton were the significant factors affecting the spatial and temporal distribution of nitrogen and phosphorus. The results show that the control of external nutrients input was the key progress to regulate nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry and eutrophication prevention in the large reservoir. |
Key words: Large reservoir Nitrogen Phosphorus Stoichiometry |