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徐颖1, 罗菊花1, 翟金龙1, 毛志刚1, 段洪涛1, 孟迪2, 何博2, 鲁露2
关键词:  梁子湖  稳态转换  草藻演变  湖泊生态系统
Analysis of regime shift process based on macrophyte- phytoplankton changes: A case study of Lake Liangzi
Xu Ying1, Luo Juhua1, Zhai Jinlong1, Mao Zhigang1, Duan Hongtao1, Meng Di2, He Bo2, Lu Lu2
1.Key Laboratory of Lake and Watershed Science for Water Security,Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology,Chinese Academy of Sciences;2.Institute of Dianchi Plateau Laes
Lakes undergo a transition from a macrophyte-dominated state to a phytoplankton-dominated state, accompanied by an increase in lake nutrient loads, a decline of aquatic vegetation (AV), and the proliferation of algae. Once the regime shift occurs, it is difficult to reverse, seriously affecting the ecological functions and service values of the lake ecosystem. Identifying tipping points and analyzing the process of lake regime shifts can help predict potential ecological risks, providing decision support for lake ecological protection, restoration, and integrated management. In this study, we take Lake Liangzi as an example to analyze water environmental changes and identify the tipping points of AV, and to deconstruct the process of lake state shifts. We constructed a long-term dataset of AV and algal bloom (AB) data, interpreted from remote sensing and combined with long-term data series of key water environmental factors, in order to conduct a thorough analysis. Over the past 34 years, the ecosystem of Lake Liangzi has undergone significant changes. The lake water quality gradually deteriorated between 1990 and 2016. Transparency experienced a mutation in 2010, while the permanganate index (CODMn) and total nitrogen (TN) concentrations mutated in 2011, and total phosphorus (TP) concentration shifted in 2016. The critical year for the lake"s state shift occurred in 2016, with a mutation in AV coverage, especially in submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), indicating the collapse of the AV-dominated state. Between 2017 and 2023, the AV dramatically declined in Lake Liangzi, and there were consecutive AB outbreaks in 2022-2023, suggesting that the lake has transitioned to a phytoplankton-dominated ecosystem. Integrating the mutation periods of various factors, the regime shifts in Lake Liangzi can be divided into four stages: (1) the macrophyte-dominated state; (2) significant increase of nutrient loading; (3) degradation of AV; (4) phytoplankton-dominated state. Our approach and findings can provide theoretical support for ecological restoration and management decisions of Lake Liangzi. They also offer scientific reference for the early warning, restoration, and management of other shallow lakes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.
Key words:  Lake Liangzi  regime shift  evaluation of macrophyte-algae community  lake ecosystem