引用本文: | 赵锐,赵宏,严晓蓉.中国湖泊数据库结构特点.湖泊科学,1991,3(1):67-73. DOI:10.18307/1991.0109 |
| Zhao Rui,Zhao Hong,Yan Xiaorong.Structure And Feature Of Lake Database Of China. J. Lake Sci.1991,3(1):67-73. DOI:10.18307/1991.0109 |
摘要: |
中国湖泊数据库是将全国湖泊面积大于10km2, 按其形态特征和各种属性数据, 按一定的标准和规范, 录入计算机存储和应用, 湖泊数据具有数据量大、类型多、以湖泊代号为关键字、交叉平行式的数据分类、动态变化快和具有空间分布等特点。湖泊数据库逻辑结构严谨, 由全国湖泊分布, 湖泊图形库与属性库, 湖泊专题数据, 模型英语等部分组成。程序结构在主控程序控制下分层次执行, 由图形、属性、专题和应用模型四大模块为第一层次。在它们控制下进入第二层次, 低层可顺利地返回高层, 形成操作简单, 使用方便的程序结构。 |
关键词: 湖泊数据库 逻辑结构 程序模块 |
DOI:10.18307/1991.0109 |
分类号: |
基金项目: |
Structure And Feature Of Lake Database Of China |
Zhao Rui, Zhao Hong, Yan Xiaorong
Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Acadcnua Simca, 210008
Abstract: |
The lake Database of China is a data constitution of lake information, including various feature of lakes with an area lager than 10 km2. In the database, all choice data are stored on the established format then inputted to micro-computer for further application. The lake data are not only characterized by a large number of data, but also by index keywords of lake's name and code, multiple and parallel lake classifications, lake dynamic change and spatial distribution. Logical structure of lake database is well knit. It is composed of China's lake distribution, lake graph and lake attribute, thematic data of some lakes and some analytic models. Computer program structure of lake database is composed of some layers, controlled by main program. First layer includes lake graph, attribute, eutrophication database of more than twenty lakes, and application modules. Lower layer can be operated by higher layer and can return to it. The operation of the lake database is not only simple hut convenient. |
Key words: lake database logical structure program module |