





引用本文:谢平,黎红秋,叶爱中.基于经验频率曲线的湖泊富营养化随机评价方法及其验证.湖泊科学,2004,16(4):371-376. DOI:10.18307/2004.0413
XIE Ping,LI Hongqiu,YE Aizhong.A Lake Eutrophication Stochastic Assessment Method by Using Empirical Frequency Curve and Its Verification. J. Lake Sci.2004,16(4):371-376. DOI:10.18307/2004.0413
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谢平1, 黎红秋2, 叶爱中1
1.水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室, 武汉 大学, 武汉 430072;2.广东省水文局湛江分局, 湛江 524037
关键词:  湖泊富营养化  经验频率曲线  随机评价方法  模糊评价方法  灰色评价方法
A Lake Eutrophication Stochastic Assessment Method by Using Empirical Frequency Curve and Its Verification
XIE Ping1, LI Hongqiu2, YE Aizhong1
1.State key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, P. R. China;2.Institute of Zhunjiang Hydrology Substation in Guangdong Province, Zhanjiang 524037. P. R, China
In order to correctly evaluate the trophic state of a lake and then to establish a scientific basis for the prevention of lake eutrophication, a lake eutrophication stochastic assessment method (LESAM) by using empirical frequency curve (EFC) is proposed.In this method, the EFC of each water quality index of an actual lake is firstly derived through establishing the EFCs of each of those water quality indices and assessment orders used in the lake eutrophication assessment criteria.Secondly, the assessment order of lake eutropication is derived by using the weighting average rnethok to calculate the EFC of assessment order of lake eutrophication.The characteristics of LEGAM are that the method is simple, the visual graphs are informative, and the computation work is moderate.LESAM, together with other two methods, i.e.the lake eutrophication (LEGAM), has been tested against the measured data of 30 lakes all over the country, it is found that the difference of assessment results between those three methods is not greater than 1 order in 29 lakes, i.e.96.6% of the total lakes.It is concluded that all these three methods (LESAM, LEFAM, and LEGAM) have comparable computation precision.For there is a lot of uncertainty involved both in determining the number and type of water quality index in lake eutrophication assessment and in determining the assessment order and its corresponding standard water quality concentration, the lake eutrophication assessment methods also have uncertainty.It is suggested that the lake eutrophication assessment should be studied with various approaches in order to overcome the weakness of one particular method and to make assessment results more reasonable.
Key words:  Lake eutrophication  empirical frequency curve  stochastic assessment method  fuzzy assessment method  grey assessment method