





引用本文:吴挺峰,朱广伟,秦伯强,丁艳青,吴善锋.前期风场控制的太湖北部湖湾水动力及对蓝藻水华影响.湖泊科学,2012,24(3):409-415. DOI:10.18307/2012.0312
WU Tingfeng,ZHU Guangwei,QIN Boqiang,DING Yanqing,WU Shanfeng.Prior wind field induced hydrodynamics and its influence on cyanobacterial bloom in northern bays of Lake Taihu, China. J. Lake Sci.2012,24(3):409-415. DOI:10.18307/2012.0312
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吴挺峰1, 朱广伟1, 秦伯强1, 丁艳青1, 吴善锋2
1.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京 210008;2.国网电力科学研究院, 南京 210003
关键词:  前期风场  太湖  北部湖湾  水动力  蓝藻水华
Prior wind field induced hydrodynamics and its influence on cyanobacterial bloom in northern bays of Lake Taihu, China
WU Tingfeng1, ZHU Guangwei1, QIN Boqiang1, DING Yanqing1, WU Shanfeng2
1.Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P. R. China;2.State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, Nanjing 210003, P. R. China
In September 2008, a meteorology-hydrology-water quality simultaneous observation was conducted to study the influences of prior wind field on hydrodynamic characteristics and cyanobacterial bloom in northern bays(Meiliang Bay and Gonghu Bay) of Lake Taihu. The results showed that exposed to prior wind field, the surface, middle and bottom water layers flowed out of the bays. There was no compensation current in the two bays. Surface current field was sensitive to real wind field, but middle and bottom current fields lagged behind the wind changing. Influenced by southeast wind, a clockwise circulating current could be rapidly formed in the surface water layer of Meiliang Bay. In Gonghu Bay, the flow direction of surface current field did not change under the action of Westerlies, but its magnitude decreased obviously so that the current velocity increased with the water depth. The observation proves that hydrodynamic is very important for the stratification of chlorophyll-a concentration and drift of cyanobacterial bloom in northern bays of Lake Taihu. Cyanobacteria tended to accumulate and form bloom on water surface in low-hydrodynamic area. Under the condition of high-intensity disturbance, cyanobacteria mixed along the water depth. This can greatly decreased the risk of cyanobacterial bloom. Comparing with the influence of hydrodynamic, that of nutrients on the distribution of chlorophyll-a concentration was less important.
Key words:  Prior wind field  Lake Taihu  northern bays  hydrodynamic  cyanobacterial bloom