





引用本文:张岩,李畅游,高宁,史小红,乔玲敏.结冰对乌梁素海水体富营养化的影响.湖泊科学,2017,29(4):811-818. DOI:10.18307/2017.0404
ZHANG Yan,LI Changyou,GAO Ning,SHI Xiaohong,QIAO Lingmin.Effect of freezing on eutrophication in Lake Ulansuhai. J. Lake Sci.2017,29(4):811-818. DOI:10.18307/2017.0404
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张岩1, 李畅游2, 高宁1, 史小红2, 乔玲敏1
1.烟台大学土木工程学院, 烟台 264005;2.内蒙古农业大学水利与土木建筑工程学院, 呼和浩特 010018
为研究结冰对湖泊富营养化状态的影响,以内蒙古乌梁素海为研究对象,用“注射器”式采水器和冰钻分别采集水样和冰样,并测定总氮、总磷、CODCr、叶绿素a浓度、冰厚、水深和透明度等指标,运用分形理论评价模型对湖泊结冰前、后的富营养化等级进行综合评价. 结果表明:乌梁素海湖泊结冰厚度与水深存在较好的负相关性,其相关系数为0.54;湖泊结冰后,水体的富营养化等级由富营养变为重富营养,表明结冰过程中,氮、磷等营养元素被排斥至冰下水体,即结冰过程对湖泊水体中的营养元素具有浓缩效应,导致冰下环境质量恶化,并促进营养元素向沉积物转移;但也可以利用该浓缩效应,从湖泊冰封期富营养化污染的特殊性入手,运用底泥疏浚和冰体-水体分离等工程技术手段,实现湖泊富营养化污染的治理.
关键词:  结冰  富营养化  分形理论  乌梁素海
Effect of freezing on eutrophication in Lake Ulansuhai
ZHANG Yan1, LI Changyou2, GAO Ning1, SHI Xiaohong2, QIAO Lingmin1
1.Civil Engineering College, Yantai University, Yantai 264005, P.R.China;2.Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering College, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Huhhot 010018, P.R.China
In order to study the effect of freezing on lake eutrophication, Lake Ulansuhai, located in Inner Mongolia, was selected as the study object. The ice and water sample were collected respectively by syringe water sampler and ice drill. The total nitrogen, total phosphorus, CODCr, chlorophyll-a, ice thickness, water depth and transparency of each sample were measured. The eutrophic state of Lake Ulansuhai before and after freezing were assessed by the means of fractal theory. The results showed that there was a good negative correlation between water depth and ice thickness in Lake Ulansuhai, and the correlation coefficient was 0.54. The trophic state of water before freezing was eutrophication, and changed to heavy eutrophication after freezing. The results also showed that nutrient elements such as nitrogen and phosphorus were ejected to water during the period of ice growth, that is to say, the process of freezing had a good concentrating effect on pollutants in water. This effect also can make pollutants migrate from water to sediment during ice growth process, which made the quality of under-ice environment deteriorate. While the concentrating effect can provide theoretical basis and data support for the sediment dredging and ice-water separating during ice-on period.
Key words:  Freezing  eutrophication  fractal theory  Lake Ulansuhai