





引用本文:左杰,季军,汪鹏合,张惠,张文娟,赵德华,安树青.沙基和浮床培养方式种植水芹对人工湿地冬季水质净化能力的对比.湖泊科学,2017,29(6):1342-1349. DOI:10.18307/2017.0606
ZUO Jie,JI Jun,WANG Penghe,ZHANG Hui,ZHANG Wenjuan,ZHAO Dehua,AN Shuqing.Comparison of Oenanthe javanica's winter purification ability in constructed wetlands under sand and floating-bed cultures. J. Lake Sci.2017,29(6):1342-1349. DOI:10.18307/2017.0606
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左杰1, 季军2, 汪鹏合1, 张惠1, 张文娟1, 赵德华1, 安树青1,3
1.南京大学生命科学学院, 南京 210046;2.洪泽县清盈尾水湿地管理有限公司, 淮安 223001;3.南京大学常熟生态研究院, 常熟 215500
针对人工湿地冬季净化能力不足以及不同湿地植物种植方式可能影响其净化效果的湿地构建问题,通过小试实验,研究了沙基法和浮床法种植水芹(Oenanthe javanica(Bl.)DC.)对冬季人工湿地净化富营养水体效果的影响.在整个冬季,4个实验周期中,处理期间总磷(TP)和总氮(TN)去除率表现出显著差异:对照组(CK)、沙基种植组和浮床种植组4个周期对TP的去除率平均值为20.17%±19.23%、59.60%±7.54%和45.44%±29.22%;对TN的去除率平均值依次为:29.83%±19.65%、64.89%±23.01%和60.50%±25.86%.与CK组相比,冬季种植水芹可显著提高湿地对TP和TN的去除率;与浮床种植方式相比,沙基种植方式的TP和TN去除率略有提高.而对于COD的去除率,沙基种植组周期间波动较大(-27.5%~52.92%),浮床种植组组周期间更为平稳(10.83%~40.42%),浮床种植组在全部4个周期的平均去除率(23.13%±14.41%)略高于沙基种植组(19.38%±35.38%).2种种植方式下,水芹均可安全适应冬季温带气候;与沙基种植法相比,浮床种植方式更有利于植物总生物量的增加,特别是根系生物量的增加;相对于浮床种植,传统的沙基种植法能使水芹根系在温带冬季大部分时间内保持较高的活力和泌氧能力.因此,考虑到建设成本,在浅水区域可优选传统的沙基(或底泥)种植方式;在深水区域,使用浮床种植的方式,也能保证耐寒水生植物安全度过冬季和保持较高的净化能力.
关键词:  人工湿地  水芹  种植方式  根系活力  营养物去除  水质净化  沙基法  浮床法
Comparison of Oenanthe javanica's winter purification ability in constructed wetlands under sand and floating-bed cultures
ZUO Jie1, JI Jun2, WANG Penghe1, ZHANG Hui1, ZHANG Wenjuan1, ZHAO Dehua1, AN Shuqing1,3
1.School of Life Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210046, P. R. China;2.Qingying Tail Water Wetland Management Limited Company of Hongze County, Huaian 223001, P. R. China;3.Nanjing University Ecology Research Institute of Changshu, Changshu 215500, P. R. China
To improve purification ability of wetland in cold winter and reveal the impact of culture methods of wetland plants, a pilot-scale experiment was conducted to compare the performance of Oenanthe javanica using two culture methods, i.e. sand culture and floating-bed culture, in the purification of polluted water during winter. There existed significant different removal efficiency of total phosphorous (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) between various treatments. In the four studied batches, control check(CK), sand culture and floating-bed culture showed an average of 20.17%±19.23%, 59.60%±7.54% and 45.44%±29.22% TP removal efficiency, and an average of 29.83%±19.65%, 64.89%±23.01% and 60.50%±25.86% TN removal efficiency, respectively. Compared with CK, the results showed that the plantation of Oenanthe javanica could significantly improve TP and TN removal efficiency in cold winter. Compared with floating-bed culture, sand culture had slightly higher removal ability for both TP and TN. But for chemical oxygen demand (COD), the removal efficiency of CK and sand culture varied much between batches. Compared with sand culture (-27.5%-52.92%), floating-bed culture showed a slightly higher and more stable COD removal efficient the four studied batches (10.83%-40.42%). Oenanthe javanica in both sand culture and floating-bed culture survived temperate winter. Floating-bed culture performed significant higher total plant and root dry biomass than sand culture, while sand culture generally had significant higher root activity and root secretion than floating-bed culture. Therefore, considering the engineering costs, the traditional sand (or sediment) culture method is recommended at the shallow water areas where Oenanthe javanica can survive using either sand culture or floating-bed culture. For the deep water areas where Oenanthe javanica can't survive using sand culture, we can use floating-bed culture which can also perform relative high purification ability and make Oenanthe javanica survive in the temperate winter.
Key words:  Constructed wetland  Oenanthe javanica  culture methods  root activity  nutrients removal  water purification  sand culture  floating-bed culture