





引用本文:韩翠红,孙海龙,魏榆,鲍乾,晏浩.喀斯特筑坝河流中生物碳泵效应的碳施肥及对水化学时空变化的影响——以贵州平寨水库及红枫湖为例.湖泊科学,2020,32(6):1683-1694. DOI:10.18307/2020.0610
HAN Cuihong,SUN Hailong,WEI Yu,BAO Qian,YAN Hao.Spatiotemporal variations of hydrochemistry in karst dammed rivers and carbon fertilization effect of biological carbon pump: A case study of Pingzhai Reservoir and Lake Hongfeng in Guizhou Province. J. Lake Sci.2020,32(6):1683-1694. DOI:10.18307/2020.0610
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韩翠红1,2, 孙海龙1, 魏榆1, 鲍乾1,2, 晏浩1
1.中国科学院地球化学研究所环境地球化学国家重点实验室, 贵阳 550081;2.中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
关键词:  喀斯特筑坝河流  平寨水库  红枫湖  生物碳泵效应  水化学  时空变化  碳施肥
Spatiotemporal variations of hydrochemistry in karst dammed rivers and carbon fertilization effect of biological carbon pump: A case study of Pingzhai Reservoir and Lake Hongfeng in Guizhou Province
HAN Cuihong1,2, SUN Hailong1, WEI Yu1, BAO Qian1,2, YAN Hao1
1.State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550081, P. R. China;2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, P. R. China
Carbonate mineral weathering coupled with aquatic photosynthesis on the continents is an important part of the global carbon cycle. The biological carbon pump is a key mechanism for stabilizing carbonate weathering-related carbon sinks. Little research has been done on the changes and control factors of biological carbon pump effects and their effects on hydrochemistry after the damming of river. In this study, two dammed karst rivers (Pingzhai Reservoir and Lake Hongfeng) were systematically sampled to study the changes and control factors of biological carbon pump effect and their effects on the variations of hydrochemistry. The results show that the hydrochemistry of the rivers have no obvious changes, while the hydrochemistry of the two reservoirs show significant seasonal variations. The temperature and pH of the two reservoirs are both higher in summer and lower in winter, while electrical conductivity (EC), HCO3- concentration and pCO2 show lower in summer and higher in winter. The biological carbon pump effect which is indicated by the chlorophyll-a (Chl.a) concentration and dissolved oxygen saturation is stronger in summer and weaker in winter. Dissolved inorganic carbon is consumed by aquatic phototrophs to form organic matter and release oxygen, which are the main factors that cause the increase of pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) in summer, and the decrease of electric conductivity (EC), HCO3- concentration, and pCO2 in winter. In the space, the Chl.a and DO concentrations of the reservoirs are larger than that in the rivers, and EC, HCO3- concentration and pCO2 are lower than that in the rivers. This indicates the biological carbon pump effect of the reservoir is significantly increased due to river impoundment after the rivers were dammed. Correlation analysis of Chl.a with carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus concentrations and stoichiometry revealed that the biological carbon pump effect of the Pingzhai Reservoir and Lake Hongfeng is affected by carbon fertilization effect. The carbon fertilization effect of biological carbon pump detected here may indicate that aquatic photosynthesis in karst damped rivers may be controlled not only by N and/or P but also by C. This research may have implications for control of eutrophication in karst lakes with high alkaline.
Key words:  Damped karst rivers  Pingzhai Reservoir  Lake Hongfeng  biological carbon pump effect  hydrochemistry  spatial and temporal variation  carbon fertilization effect