





引用本文:谷先坤,刘燕山,唐晟凯,李大命,张彤晴,曾庆飞,毛志刚,陈辉辉,谷孝鸿.网围拆除后东太湖鱼类功能群时空变化及影响因子.湖泊科学,2022,34(2):569-581. DOI:10.18307/2022.0217
Gu Xiankun,Liu Yanshan,Tang Shengkai,Li Daming,Zhang Tongqing,Zeng Qingfei,Mao Zhigang,Chen Huihui,Gu Xiaohong.Spatio-temporal variation with influencing factors for fish functional groups in East Lake Taihu after the net removal. J. Lake Sci.2022,34(2):569-581. DOI:10.18307/2022.0217
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谷先坤1,2, 刘燕山1,2, 唐晟凯1,2, 李大命1,2, 张彤晴1,2, 曾庆飞3, 毛志刚3, 陈辉辉3, 谷孝鸿3
1.江苏省淡水水产研究所, 南京 210017;2.江苏省内陆水域渔业资源重点实验室, 南京 210017;3.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京 210008
关键词:  功能群  鱼类群落  时空分布  影响因子  东太湖  网围拆除
Spatio-temporal variation with influencing factors for fish functional groups in East Lake Taihu after the net removal
Gu Xiankun1,2, Liu Yanshan1,2, Tang Shengkai1,2, Li Daming1,2, Zhang Tongqing1,2, Zeng Qingfei3, Mao Zhigang3, Chen Huihui3, Gu Xiaohong3
1.Freshwater Fisheries Research Institute of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210017, P. R. China;2.Key Laboratory of Fisheries Resources in Inland Water of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210017, P. R. China;3.Nanjing Institute of Georgraphy and Limonology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P. R. China
Based on the investigation and monitoring of fish resources in the original net enclosure (ONE) and no net enclosure (NNE) areas of East Lake Taihu after the removal of net enclosure (RNE) in April, July and October 2019, the "trophic-locomotion" combined functional group was constructed, and their spatio-temporal distribution characteristics and their relationship with environmental factors were analyzed. The results showed that 39 species of fish were detected in East Lake Taihu after the RNE, and the proportion of Cyprinidae fish was 66.67%, which was similar to that in Lake Taihu (66%). The collected fish could be divided into 4 trophic and 5 locomotion groups, with a total of 11 combined groups, among which the group "omnivorous, spindle body type with the strong locomotor ability" accounted for the largest proportion (41.34%). The followed functional groups were "primary carnivorous-spindle body type and strong locomotor ability", "plant carnivorous-spindle body type and strong locomotor ability", "secondary carnivorous-spindle body type and strong locomotor ability", accounting for 28.70%, 13.46% and 13.40%, respectively. In terms of seasonal change, the "omnivorous, spindle body type with strong locomotor ability" group was dominant in the ONE, while in the NNE, the dominant functional group evolved from "omnivorous-spindle body type with strong locomotor ability" + "herbivores-spindle body type with the strong athletic ability" to "primary carnivorous-spindle body type with the strong locomotor ability". Spatially, the density of omnivorous, secondary carnivorous and herbivorous fish in the ONE was higher than that in the NNE, while the functional group density of primary carnivorous fish was lower than that in the NNE. Among the environmental factors, ammonia nitrogen was the significant factor affecting the distribution of functional groups of fish in the ONE and was negatively correlated with the distribution of all functional groups. pH, total phosphorus, total nitrogen and dissolved oxygen were also the main environmental factors, but not significantly affecting the distribution of fish functional groups. The RNE has a positive effect on the restoration of the fish community and ecosystem remediation in East Lake Taihu. However, the evolution of the fish community and the natural environment after the RNE still needs to be further assessed.
Key words:  Functional groups  fish community  spatio-temporal distribution  influencing factors  removal of the net enclosure  East Lake Taihu