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戴明龙1, 祁俊丽2, 仇红亚3, 秦友伟2, 张冬冬1
梯级水库运行已成为人类活动中的主要影响因素,为定量评估水库(群)运行导致的下游河道水文情势的变化,本文基于传统RVA法提出了改进的水文改变度评价方法,并以受梯级水库群影响较大的长江宜昌至大通河段为典型研究区域,对同一时段水库运行前后各站点水文情势变化进行了分析. 结果表明:与传统RVA法对比,宜昌站整体改变度增高了8%,为高变化度,大通站整体改变度降低了12%,为低变化度,宜昌~大通站整体改变度符合水库影响沿逐渐减弱的规律;水库(群)影响主要表现为蓄丰补枯,改进水文改变度法中18个指标变化度较传统RVA法变幅更大,能够更好地反映梯级水库运行对下游水文情势的影响.该研究可为后续研究受水库运行影响下流域水文情势分析以及流域水库生态调度提供技术支撑.
关键词:  水库运行  改进水文改变度  整体水文改变度  水文情势
A new method on hydrological change degree evaluation for quantifying the impact of reservoir operation: a case study on the middle reaches of the Yangtze River (Yichang-Datong)
Dai Minglong, Qi Junli1, Qiu Hongya2, Qin Youwei1, Zhang Dongdong3
1.Hohai University;2.China Three Gorges Corporation;3.Hydrology Bureau of Changjiang Water Resources Commission
The operation of cascade reservoirs had become the main factor in human activities. In order to quantitatively evaluate the change of hydrological situation in downstream rivers caused by the operation of reservoirs (groups), based on the traditional RVA method, an improved evaluation method of hydrological change was proposed, and the Yichang-Datong reach of the Yangtze River, which was greatly affected by cascade reservoirs, was taken as a typical research area, and the change of hydrological situation at each station before and after the operation of reservoirs at the same time was analyzed. The results showed that compared with the traditional RVA method, The overall change degree of Yichang station increased by 8%, which was a high change degree, and that of Datong station decreased by 12%, which was a low change degree. The overall change degree of Yichang-Datong station was accorded with the law that the influence edge of the reservoir gradually weakens. The influence of reservoirs (groups) was mainly manifested in the accumulation of abundant water and the replenishment of dry water. Compared with the traditional RVA method, the change degree of 18 indexes in the improved hydrological change degree method was larger, which could better reflect the influence of cascade reservoir operation on the downstream hydrological situation. This study could provide technical support for the follow-up study on the hydrological situation analysis of the basin affected by reservoir operation and the ecological operation of the basin reservoirs.
Key words:  Reservoir operation  improved hydrological change degree  overall hydrological change degree  hydrological situation