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基于同位素三元混合模型的流域降水水汽来源剖析 ——以2022年干旱背景下三峡库区为例
潘晓龙, 王卫光, 邢万秋, 魏佳, 叶宗超, 曹明珠, 李虹彬, 孙博凯, 朱世峰, 於嘉禾, 候沂辰
关键词:  三峡库区  氢氧同位素  同位素三元混合模型  水分循环  降水来源
Using the three-component isotopic mixing model to decipher moisture sources of precipitation in the Three Gorges Reservoir basin during the droughty 2022
Pan Xiaolong, Wang Weiguang, Xing Wanqiu, Wei Jia, Ye Zongchao, Cao Mingzhu, Li Hongbin, Sun Bokai, Zhu Shifeng, Yu Jiahe, Hou Yichen
College of Hydrology and Water Resources, Hohai University
Studying the source of precipitation in the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) region is of great significance in understanding the ecosystem"s water cycling response to extreme drought. This study analyzes the stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope composition of atmospheric water vapor measured in August 2022 and precipitation from August to October in the TGR region, along with relevant meteorological data, to elucidate moisture transport characteristics. A three-component isotope mixing model was applied to estimate the contributions of recycled moisture (i.e., surface evaporation and transpiration vapor) and advective vapor to precipitation in the upper, middle, and lower sections of the TGR region. The results indicate that from August to October 2022, moisture pathways were oriented from southwest to northeast, with advective moisture transported from upstream to downstream along the reservoir mountain range. During September-October 2022, the average contributions of vegetation transpiration (Ptr), surface evaporation (Pev) and advected vapor (Padv), to precipitation in the middle section of the TGR region were 35.4%±4.8%, 0.2%±4.9%, and 64.4%±9.6%, respectively. In the lower section, contributions were 27.9%±4.8%, 0.8%±3.9%, and 71.3%±8.6%, respectively. In August, when the high temperature and drought were most severe, the contributions in the middle section were 60.9%±3.3% for Ptr, 2.2%±3.7% for Pev, and 36.9%±6.6% for Padv, while in the lower section, they were 16.5%±1.8%, 2.6%±2.0%, and 80.9%±3.8%, respectively. The advective water vapor transported by southwesterly winds was the primary source of precipitation in the reservoir region, with recycled moisture mainly comprising vegetation transpiration and minimal surface evaporation. Rainfall in August 2022 was lower than in previous years, resulting in a slight enrichment of precipitation vapor isotopes in the lower section. In addition, the extreme heat and drought in August 2022 accelerated moisture cycling in the upper and middle sections of the TGR region, enhancing the dominant role of recycled moisture in the middle section while reducing the contribution of vegetation transpiration to local precipitation in the lower section.
Key words:  Three Gorges Reservoir region  hydrogen and oxygen isotopes  three-component isotopic mixing model  moisture recycle  precipitation sources