





引用本文:申恒伦,徐贺,张鑫儒,陈静,朱天顺,蒋万祥,付瑶.泉水型城市湖泊浮游植物功能群特征及其生态健康评价——以济南大明湖为例.湖泊科学,2024,36(4):1036-1045. DOI:10.18307/2024.0414
Shen Henglun,Xu He,Zhang Xinru,Chen Jing,Zhu Tianshun,Jiang Wanxiang,Fu Yao.Characteristics of phytoplankton functional groups and ecological health assessment in spring type urban lakes: A case study in Lake Daming, Jinan City. J. Lake Sci.2024,36(4):1036-1045. DOI:10.18307/2024.0414
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申恒伦1, 徐贺1, 张鑫儒1, 陈静1, 朱天顺1, 蒋万祥1, 付瑶2
1.枣庄学院生命科学学院, 枣庄 277160;2.济南市环境研究院, 济南 250100
浮游植物功能群被广泛应用于解析地表水体浮游植物群落季节演替特征和水环境评价,而该方法能否应用于泉水型湖泊仍不明确。为了解我国北方城市泉水型湖泊浮游植物功能群时空特征及影响因子,于2020年5-11月,对济南大明湖不同季节进行采样调查及分析。结果表明:大明湖共鉴定出浮游植物6门94种,种类组成以绿藻门(40.4%)、硅藻门(34.0%)和蓝藻门(16.0%)为主,其中微囊藻(Microcystis sp.)、细小平裂藻(Merismopedia minima)和尖针杆藻(Synedra acus)为全年优势种。大明湖浮游植物群落可划分为21个功能群,其中优势功能群有6组(D、J、Lo、MP、P和W1),以尖针杆藻为代表的D功能群为绝对优势功能群。优势功能群季节演替序列为:D/J/P→D/Lo/MP/P/J/W1→P/D/J,季节性特征明显。综合营养状态指数(TLI(Σ))为40.92~62.55,生态健康状态指数(Q)为1.91~2.36,表明大明湖处于中等健康状态,评价结果与多样性指数评价结果相一致。RDA分析结果显示,温度、pH、盐度、化学需氧量、总氮和总磷是影响大明湖浮游植物功能群的主要环境因子,其中优势功能群D主要受温度和盐度影响。研究结果表明,大明湖浮游植物功能群有明显的季节演替,利用基于功能群的生态健康状态指数能准确有效地评价水体健康及水质。
关键词:  大明湖  浮游植物功能群  生态健康状态指数(Q)  环境因子  冗余分析
Characteristics of phytoplankton functional groups and ecological health assessment in spring type urban lakes: A case study in Lake Daming, Jinan City
Shen Henglun1, Xu He1, Zhang Xinru1, Chen Jing1, Zhu Tianshun1, Jiang Wanxiang1, Fu Yao2
1.College of Life Sciences, Zaozhuang University, Zaozhuang 277160, P. R. China;2.Jinan Environmental Research Institute, Jinan 250100, P. R. China
Phytoplankton functional groups have been increasingly used to explain seasonal succession of phytoplankton communities and environmental assessment for aquatic systems, but is still unclear for its use in the spring type lakes. To understand the temporal and spatial characteristics of phytoplankton functional groups and driving factors in spring type urban lakes in northern China, an investigation was conducted in Lake Daming, Jinan City during May to November 2020. The results showed that 94 phytoplankton species from 6 phyla were identified during the study period, mainly composed of Chlorophyta (40.4%), Diatoma (34.0%) and Cyanophyta (16.0%). The dominant species were Microcystis sp., Merismopedia minima and Synedra acus. The phytoplankton were divided into 21 functional groups with 6 dominant functional groups (D, J, Lo, MP, P and W1). The functional group of coda D mainly constituted by Synedra acus was the absolute predominance. The seasonal succession sequence of dominant functional groups was: D/J/P→D/Lo/MP/P/J/W1→P/D/J. During the study period, the trophic level index (TLI(Σ)) and Q index had a range from 40.29 to 62.55, and from 1.91 to 2.36, respectively, indicating a medium health state for Lake Daming. These evaluation results were consistent with the diversity index. RDA results showed that water temperature, salinity, pH, CODMn, total nitrogen and total phosphorus were the main influencing factors. The dominance of functional group of coda D, positively correlated with water temperature, but negatively correlated with salinity. This study demonstrated the potentials of the functional groups and ecological health index in representing the seasonal succession of phytoplankton communities and water quality status of lakes.
Key words:  Lake Daming  phytoplankton functional group  ecological health index (Q)  environmental factors  redundancy analysis