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蒋飞卿1, 朱易青2, 董家贤3, 夏翔1, 陈宇飞1, 牛智星1, 嵇海祥1, 王赠安4
关键词:  城镇化  极端降雨  非平稳GEV模型  城市  乡镇  农村  太湖流域
Response regularity of extreme precipitation to urbanisation in Taihu Basin considering regional heterogeneity
JIANG Feiqing,ZHU Yiqing,Dong Jiaxian,XIA Xiang,CHEN Yufei,NIU Zhixing,JI Hai-xiang,WANG Zeng’an
Different regions have different geographic and climatic conditions, which have different patterns of influence on extreme precipitation. An in-depth and accurate analysis of the response regularity of extreme precipitation to urbanisation in Taihu Basin is essential for predicting and mitigating the potential impacts of future extreme weather events. Therefore, in this study, different types of urbanisation factor matrices for different regions of cities, towns and rural areas are constructed by considering regional heterogeneity. The location parameters are modelled as a function of variation with climate change factor, local factor, neighbouring city factor and neighbouring township factor. A time-varying non-stationary generalized extreme value distribution model reflecting the impact of urbanisation processes on extreme precipitation in different regions and at different rates is constructed. The response regularity of extreme precipitation to urbanisation in the Taihu Lake basin is revealed. The results show that: the comparison of the different models shows the need to consider the impacts of climate change and urbanisation in extreme precipitation models, and not only the impacts of local urbanisation, but also the impacts of urbanisation in surrounding areas. Driven by urbanisation, the magnitude of extreme precipitation in Taihu Basin increases overall and becomes more concentrated around a certain value. The urbanization increases the recurrence level of the magnitude of extreme precipitation in Taihu Basin by 36. 0% in city areas, 25.2% in townships and 31.6% in rural areas, and increases the recurrence level of the cumulative intensity of extreme precipitation by 16.8% in city areas, 35.2% in townships and 24.4% in rural areas. Considering regional heterogeneity, this study constructs an assessment framework that comprehensively reflects the impacts of urbanisation on extreme precipitation in different regions and at different rates, deepens the understanding of the interactions between climate change, urban development and extreme precipitation, and provides a scientific basis for formulating more accurate climate adaptation strategies and urban planning.
Key words:  urbanisation  extreme precipitation  non-stationary GEV model  cities  towns  rural areas  Taihu Basin