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日本沼虾对两种丝状绿藻生长的影响及系统环境因子的响应 |
尹 乐1, 吴 名1, 高 健1, 万 亮1, 康玉辉2, 于谨磊3, 张 慧1, 杨兴康1, 李坤烨1
摘要: |
丝状绿藻过度增殖是影响草型清水态浅水湖泊中沉水植物生长及群落稳定的关键因素之一。日本沼虾(Macrobrachium nipponense)可摄食丝状绿藻,但又会通过扰动等途径增加水体营养盐含量,其在湖泊生态修复初始阶段对丝状绿藻的影响及其机理尚不清楚。本研究在春末夏初构建了含有密刺苦草和轮叶黑藻的沉水植物和丝状绿藻的处理系统,探讨了日本沼虾对两种丝状绿藻(水绵属和刚毛藻属)生长的影响及系统生态环境因子的响应。结果显示,引入日本沼虾显著降低了水绵和刚毛藻的盖度和生物量,减少了水体浮游藻类和附着藻类的生物量,降低了总氮和总磷浓度。尽管密刺苦草和轮叶黑藻二者对水绵和刚毛藻的生物量影响无差异显著,但在有虾存在的条件下,水体表面水绵盖度显著低于刚毛藻盖度。水绵有虾组中密刺苦草和轮叶黑藻叶片上的附着藻类生物量显著低于水绵无虾组,刚毛藻有虾组和刚毛藻无虾组附着藻生长的情况与水绵组趋势一致。水绵有虾组的浮游藻类生物量及总氮均显著低于刚毛藻有虾组,而无虾条件下两者无显著差异。研究表明,春末夏初引入日本沼虾可降低丝状绿藻生物量和水体营养盐含量,有助于维持水体的清水状态;然而,生长不同种类丝状绿藻的沉水植物清水态系统对日本沼虾的引入反应存在差异。 |
关键词: 日本沼虾 沉水植物 丝状绿藻 水绵 刚毛藻 |
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基金项目:河湖健康智慧感知与生态修复教育部重点实验室开放基金(HGKFYB02,HGKFZ04,HGKFZP009,HGKFZ08)、湖北省水利重点科研项目(2021-218-006-001)、国家自然科学基金项目(32170383,31500378)) |
Effects of Macrobrachium nipponense on two filamentous green algae and the related environmental factors |
Yin Le1, Wu Ming1, Gao Jian1, Wan Liang1, Kang Yuhui2, Yu Jinlei3, Zhang Hui1, Yang Xingkang1, Li Kunye1
1.Key Laboratory of Ecological Remediation of Lakes and Rivers and Algal Utilization of Hubei Province,School of Civil and Environment,Hubei University of Technology;2.Hubei Water Resources Research Institute;3.Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Abstract: |
Excessive proliferation of filamentous green algae is a key factor affecting the growth and community stability of submerged macrophytes in a clear water macrophyte-dominated shallow lake. Macrobrachium nipponense grazes on filamentous green algae, but its presence can elevate water nutrient levels when it disturbs the sediment. How M. nipponense affects lakes during the initial phases of restoration remains unknown, especially how it influences filamentous green algae. We establish a composite system with two submerged macrophytes (Vallisneria denseserrulata and Hydrilla verticillata) and filamentous green algae treatments during late spring and early summer to investigate the influence of M. nipponense on filamentous green algae (Spirogyra sp. and Cladophora sp.) proliferation, and related environmental factors. We report M. nipponense to significantly reduce Spirogyra and Cladophora coverage and biomass. M. nipponense decreases phytoplankton and epiphyton biomass, it also decreases total nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. Although the growth type of submerged macrophytes did not significantly influence the biomass of Spirogyra or Cladophora, the presence of M. nipponense reduced coverage of Spirogyra more than Cladophora. The presence of M. nipponense decreased epiphyton biomass on the leaves of V. denseserrulata and H. verticillata. The presence of M. nipponense significantly reduced phytoplankton biomass and total nitrogen concentrations to a greater extent in Spirogyra treatments compared with Cladophora treatments. In shrimp-free conditions, there was no significant difference between the two treatments. These results indicate that introducing M. nipponense into shallow lakes during late spring and early summer months can decrease filamentous green algal biomass and nutrients concentrations, improving water quality. However, the responses of clear water system with submerged macrophytes and various filamentous green algae to the introduction of M. nipponense are different. |
Key words: Macrobrachium nipponense Submerged macrophytes Filamentous green algae Spirogyra Cladophora |