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余梵冬1,2, 房苗3, 舒璐3, 徐猛3, 王裕祥3, 张铭斯3, 黄骏涵3, 汪学杰3, 胡隐昌3, 韦慧3, 顾党恩3
关键词:  外来鱼类  物种多样性  优势度  群落相似性  群落扰动  星湖
Study on Fish Diversity and Invasion of Alien Fish in Lake Xinghu, downstream of the Pearl River
Pearl River Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences
To reveal the fish diversity and alien fish invasion status of 4 lake areas of Zhaoqing Xing Lake (Zhongxin Lake, Xiannv Lake, Bohai Lake and Qinglian Lake), fish resource survey was conducted here from March to April 2023. Index of relative importance, species diversity index, Jaccard similarity index, nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS), ABC curve were used to analyze the species composition, dominance, distribution patterns and diversity of fish in this study. A total of 23 fish species were captured in this survey. There were 11 native fish species such as Cirrhina molitorella, Carassius auratus and Hypophthalmichthys molitrix; 12 alien fish species such as Pterygoplichthys pardalis, Prochilodus lineatus and Cirrhinus mrigala. Alien fish species have an absolute advantage in terms of species (52.17% cumulative proportion), biomass (74.94% cumulative proportion), abundance (77.05% cumulative proportion), and dominance (79.24% cumulative proportion). Pterygoplichthys pardalis, Prochilodus lineatus, Sarotherodon galilaeus, Oreochromis niloticus, Coptodon zillii and Cirrhinus mrigala are high-risk invasive fish with stable populations. If not controlled, they will have a significant impact on the native fish and ecological environment of Xing Lake. Among them, Pterygoplichthys pardalis is the absolute dominant species with the highest ecological risk. The similarity analysis results showed that the average Jaccard similarity index value is 0.70, which is “similarity” level, indicating that the fish communities are relatively similar at various 4 lake areas; The W value of community disturbance analysis is close to 0, indicating that the fish community of Xing Lake is at a relatively low level of human disturbance; The results of species diversity indicated that the overall species diversity in Xing Lake is at a relatively normal level, while the fish species diversity in Zhongxin Lake and Qinglian Lake is higher than that in Xiannv Lake and Bohai Lake. At present, the most severe ecological hazard in Xing Lake is alien fish invasion, rather than direct human interference.
Key words:  Alien fish  Species diversity  Dominance  Community similarity  Community disturbance  Xing Lake