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沈子伟#1, 谢浪#1, 刘寒文1, 邓华堂1, 田辉伍1, 薛洋2, 陈大庆1, 段辛斌1
1.:中国水产科学研究院长江水产研究所 国家农业科学重庆观测实验站湖北 武汉;2.重庆市水产技术推广总站
玉滩湖是重庆市西部四大供水工程之一,有2条河流流入,是一个典型的多栖境生态系统。截至目前,尚未见玉滩湖鱼类组成和多样性的相关报道。本研究采用环境DNA(environmental DNA,eDNA)技术,与传统鱼类网具调查结果对比分析,研究玉滩湖鱼类群落多样性和结构特征,探索eDNA技术在河-库生境鱼类多样性中的应用潜力。结果显示:应用eDNA技术共检测出鱼类36种,隶属于4目11科32属,物种相对序列丰度分析发现鳙(Hypophthalmichthys nobilis)、鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)的相对丰度较高;传统鱼类网具调查共调查到21种鱼类,隶属于3目9科20属。eDNA技术与传统鱼类网具调查共检测出鱼类42种,其中15种为共有物种,占传统鱼类网具调查鱼类总数的71.43%。基于序列丰度的α和β多样性分析结果表明,湖区、河口和入库缓冲区鱼类组成和多样性呈现出一定的差异,河口和入库缓冲区的鱼类多样性高于湖区。综上,eDNA技术在鱼类物种检出率上高于传统鱼类网具调查,其可作为一项重要的无损伤性鱼类资源监测辅助手段,在河-库生境资源监测中进一步增加监测调查的可靠性。
关键词:  玉滩湖  eDNA  鱼类多样性  河-库生境
The application of eDNA technology in assessing fish diversity in river-reservoir habitats: A case study of Lake Yutan,Chongqing
SHEN ziwei#1, XIE lang#1, LIU hanwen1, DENG huatang1, TIAN huiwu1, XUE yang2, CHEN daqin1, DUAN xinbin1
1.:National Agricultural Science Observing and Experimental Station of Chongqing,Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fishery Science,Wuhan;2.:Chongqing Fisheries Technical Extension Center
Abstracts: Yutan Lake constitutes one of the four principal water supply initiatives in western Chongqing, receiving inflow from two rivers. It exemplifies a quintessential multi-habitat ecosystem. To date, there is a dearth of reports regarding the fish composition and diversity in Yutan Lake. In this study, environmental DNA (eDNA) technology combined with conventional fish survey methods was used to investigate the fish community and diversity in Yutan Lake, aiming to explore the potential application of eDNA technology for assessing fish diversity within river-reservoir habitats. The results showed that a total of 36 fish species categorized into 4 orders, 11 families, and 32 genera were identified by eDNA technology. The analysis of relative sequence abundance revealed higher relative abundances for Hypophthalmichthys nobilis and Hypophthalmichthys molitrix. A total of 21 fish species, categorized into 3 orders, 9 families, and 20 genera, were captured by the conventional fish survey methods. A total of 42 fish species were detected using eDNA technology and conventional net fishing surveys, with 15 species being jointly investigated, accounting for 71.43% of the total fish captured through conventional fish survey methods.. The results of α and β diversity analysis based on sequence abundance revealed variations in fish composition and diversity across the lake region, estuary, and the buffer zone at the inlet. Notably, the fish diversity in the estuary and inlet buffer zone were higher than that observed in the lake region. In summary, our findings demonstrate that the utilization of eDNA technology presents a superior detection rate for fish species in comparison to conventional fish survey methods , thereby serving as an invaluable non-invasive supplementary tool for monitoring fishery resources and enhancing the reliability of surveying river-reservoir habitat resources monitoring.
Key words:  Yutan Lake  environmental DNA  fish diversity  river–reservoir ecosystem