





引用本文:赖世平,刘佳,肖尚斌,陈敏,张博文,孟江槐,李元正.典型人工景观池塘水体甲烷释放特征及其对富营养化的响应.湖泊科学,2025,37(1):122-131. DOI:10.18307/2025.0123
Lai Shiping,Liu Jia,Xiao Shangbin,Chen Min,Zhang Bowen,Meng Jianghuai,Li Yuanzheng.Characteristics of methane emission in a typical artificial landscape pond and its response to eutrophication. J. Lake Sci.2025,37(1):122-131. DOI:10.18307/2025.0123
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1.三峡大学水利与环境学院,宜昌 443002 ;2.三峡库区生态环境教育部工程研究中心,宜昌 443002 ;3.三峡水库生态系统湖北省野外科学观测研究站,宜昌 443002 ;4.三峡大学水利工程博士后科研流动站,宜昌 443002
富营养化水体的碳通量过程是全球水域生态系统中的前沿和热点问题。本研究以三峡大学校园内景观池塘(莲心湖)为研究对象,开展为期一年的水—气界面CH4通量监测,并在此基础上进一步探讨水体富营养化水平对CH4释放的影响。结果表明,莲心湖水—气界面CH4平均排放通量为5.06 mg/(m2·h),整体表现为CH4的源,且以冒泡释放为主导(占比为88.56%)。CH4排放通量呈现时间异质性,表现为夏季(8.70 mg/(m2·h))>冬季(4.80 mg/(m2·h))>春季(3.88 mg/(m2·h))>秋季(2.87 mg/(m2·h)),白天(0.11 mg/(m2·h))略高于夜晚(0.09 mg/(m2·h))。CH4排放通量在各个季节及昼夜的差异与温度、风速和叶绿素a等环境因素变化有关。随着水体富营养化水平的提高,CH4排放通量呈现非线性增加的趋势,重度富营养化水体的CH4排放通量是中度富营养化水体的2倍,这表明降低水体富营养化水平可有效减少水体的CH4排放。研究结果可为其他同类型水体的温室气体减排提供参考。
关键词:  富营养化  甲烷释放  池塘  冒泡通量  叶绿素a
Characteristics of methane emission in a typical artificial landscape pond and its response to eutrophication
Lai Shiping1,2,3,Liu Jia1,2,3,4,Xiao Shangbin1,2,3,Chen Min1,2,3,Zhang Bowen1,2,3,Meng Jianghuai1,2,3,Li Yuanzheng1,2,3
1.College of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002 , P.R.China ;2.Engineering Research Center of Eco-environment in Three Gorges Reservoir Region, Yichang 443002 , P.R.China ;3.Three Gorges Reservoir Ecosystem Field Scientific Observation and Research Station, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002 , P.R.China ;4.Post Doctoral Research Station of Hydraulic Engineering of China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002 , P.R.China
The carbon cycling process in eutrophic water bodies has always been a prominent and critical concern in global aquatic ecosystems. This study conducted a year-long in-situ investigation of methane (CH4) flux at the water-air interface in the campus landscape pond (Lianxin Pond) of China Three Gorges University. This study aims to assess the influence of eutrophication on CH4 emissions. The findings revealed a CH4 emission flux rate of 5.06 mg/(m2·h) at the water-air interface, contributing to atmospheric CH4 levels. The CH4 flux was influenced by temperature, wind speed, and chlorophyll-a, while showed significant temporal heterogeneity with the following order: summer (8.70 mg/(m2·h))>winter (4.80 mg/(m2·h))>spring (3.88 mg/(m2·h))>autumn (2.87 mg/(m2·h)). Furthermore, the dominant pathway was identified as bubbling (the proportion of bubbling is 88.56%), during the day (0.11 mg/(m2·h)) slightly higher than the night (0.09 mg/(m2·h)). The difference of CH4 emission flux in different seasons and day and night is related to the change of environmental factors such as temperature, wind speed and chlorophyll-a. With the increase of water eutrophication level, the CH4 emission flux showed a non-linear increase trend. With the increase of eutrophication level, the release flux of CH4 release flux showed nonlinear increase. Notably, the mean CH4 flux in hyper-eutrophic water was 2 times greater than that in moderately eutrophic water. Controlling eutrophication is critical to reducing CH4 emissions from water bodies, and can serve as a reference for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in other similar aquatic ecosystems.
Key words:  Eutrophication  methane emission  pond  bubbling  chlorophyll-a