





引用本文:Martin T. Dokulil,Katrin Teubner.富营养湖泊中的微囊藻优势:原因—后果—对策.湖泊科学,1998,10(s1):357-370. DOI:10.18307/1998.sup39
Martin T. Dokulil,Katrin Teubner.Cyanobacterial Dominance in Eutrophic Lakes:Causes-Consequences-Solutions. J. Lake Sci.1998,10(s1):357-370. DOI:10.18307/1998.sup39
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Martin T. Dokulil, Katrin Teubner
Institute of Limnology, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Mondsee, Austria
Cyanobacterial dominance in lakes has received much attention in the past because of the great success and frequent bloom formation in lakes of higher trophic levels. In this paper underlying mechanism of cyanobacterial dominance are analyzed and discussed using both original and literature data from various shallow mixed and deep stratifying lakes from temperate and (subtropical regions. Examples include all four ecotypes of cyanobacteria sensu MUR et al. (1993), because their behavior in the water column is entirely different.
Colony forming species (Microcystis) are exemplified from the large shallow Lake Taihu, China. Data from a shallow urban lake, Alte Donau in Austria are used to characterize well mixed species (Cylindrospermopsis) while stratifying species (Planktothrix) are analyzed from the deep alpine lake Mondsee. Nitrogen fixing species (Aphanizomenon) are typified from a shallow river-run lake in Germany.
Factors causing the dominance of one or the other group are discussed as well as consequences for restoration measures. Existing knowledge on cyanobacterial dominance is summarized.
关键词:  cyanobacteria  eutrophication  restoration  algal-blooms
Cyanobacterial Dominance in Eutrophic Lakes:Causes-Consequences-Solutions
Martin T. Dokulil, Katrin Teubner
Institute of Limnology, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Mondsee, Austria
Cyanobacterial dominance in lakes has received much attention in the past because of the great success and frequent bloom formation in lakes of higher trophic levels. In this paper underlying mechanism of cyanobacterial dominance are analyzed and discussed using both original and literature data from various shallow mixed and deep stratifying lakes from temperate and (subtropical regions. Examples include all four ecotypes of cyanobacteria sensu MUR et al. (1993), because their behavior in the water column is entirely different.
Colony forming species (Microcystis) are exemplified from the large shallow Lake Taihu, China. Data from a shallow urban lake, Alte Donau in Austria are used to characterize well mixed species (Cylindrospermopsis) while stratifying species (Planktothrix) are analyzed from the deep alpine lake Mondsee. Nitrogen fixing species (Aphanizomenon) are typified from a shallow river-run lake in Germany.
Factors causing the dominance of one or the other group are discussed as well as consequences for restoration measures. Existing knowledge on cyanobacterial dominance is summarized.
Key words:  cyanobacteria  eutrophication  restoration  algal-blooms