





引用本文:朱伟,侯豪,刘环,许小格,朱瑜星,陈诺,曹俊,林乃喜.太湖底泥磷释放量及释放规律的研究综述.湖泊科学,2025,37(1):14-35. DOI:10.18307/2025.0102
Zhu Wei,Hou Hao,Liu Huan,Xu Xiaoge,Zhu Yuxing,Chen Nuo,Cao Jun,Lin Naixi.A review of sediment phosphorus release amount and rules in Lake Taihu. J. Lake Sci.2025,37(1):14-35. DOI:10.18307/2025.0102
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1.河海大学环境学院, 南京 210098 ;2.河海大学土木与交通学院, 南京 210098 ;3.河海大学水科学研究院, 南京 210098
太湖是我国最为重要的湖泊之一,是国家湖泊治理的重点。自2007年水危机以来,太湖治理累计投入超2620亿元,是世界上治理力度最大的湖泊。2016年以来太湖出现磷反弹,2020年开始显著好转,2023年水华减少。太湖蓝藻水华与磷的响应相对显著,回顾太湖磷十余年来的研究,关于底泥内源释放对水体总磷贡献的说法不一,这对于太湖整体磷负荷的认识及内源治理措施的制定产生了重要影响。针对太湖底泥磷的源汇、释放量以及释放规律,本文对国内外关于湖泊底泥磷释放的监测、实验、计算等研究进行系统回顾,对关于太湖底泥释放方面的研究进行梳理。通过比较和分析,尝试形成对太湖底泥磷释放规律和范围的一些基本认识。通过综述总结提出了“总源”“总汇”“净源”“净汇”的概念,并对可能成为“净源”的5个过程的发生条件和释放强度进行分析。认为Fick扩散释放是可以恒常性发生的过程,而在具备条件才发生的过程中,DO<2 mg/L后出现的磷还原释放是比较主要的过程,需要重点关注。“净源”是否发生应该依据实际湖泊的环境条件开展动态释放实验来判断。太湖目前虽然处于“总汇”状态,但“净源”是显著存在的,明确“净源”存在的位置和发生的时段对于太湖内源治理非常重要。
关键词:  太湖  底泥磷释放  源汇  质量平衡  释放实验
A review of sediment phosphorus release amount and rules in Lake Taihu
Zhu Wei1,3,Hou Hao2,Liu Huan2,Xu Xiaoge1,Zhu Yuxing3,Chen Nuo1,Cao Jun3,Lin Naixi3
1.College of Environment, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098 , P.R.China ;2.College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098 , P.R.China ;3.Institute of Water Science and Technology, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098 , P.R.China
Lake Taihu is one of China's critical lakes and a pivotal focus for national lake management endeavors. Since the water crisis of 2007, an intensive investment (over 262 billion yuan) has been invested in its restoration, rendering it the most attention in lake restoration globally. In Lake Taihu, phosphorus levels had a resurgence since 2016, and have been better controlled since 2020, resulting in a decline in cyanobacteria blooms in 2023. There was a clear relationship between cyanobacteria blooms and phosphorus levels. A review of previous publications on phosphorus in Lake Taihu showed diverse contributions of internal sediment phosphorus release to water total phosphorus. Such disparities significantly influenced the quantification of the phosphorus load of the lake, and the design of controlling strategies for internal sediment phosphorus release. This study reviewed both domestic and international studies concerning the monitoring, experimentation, and computation of phosphorus release from lake sediments, with a focus on the source, sink, absorption, and release patterns. Through comparative analysis, this study established fundamental insights into the patterns and extents of phosphorus release from Lake Taihu sediments. This study introduced the concepts of “total source”, “total sink”, “net source” and “net sink”, and analyzed the conditions under which five processes may manifest as “net sources”. Fick diffusion release is deemed a continuing process, whereas phosphorus reduction release, occurring at the condition of DO<2 mg/L, emerges as a notably significant process under specific conditions warranting special consideration. The determination of a “net source” should be conducted through dynamic release experiments under environmental conditions for the lake. Despite Lake Taihu currently acts as a “total sink”, its “net source” remains large. It is urgently needed to identify the hot spots and moments of internal sediment phosphorus release, which can support its control.
Key words:  Lake Taihu  sediment phosphorus release  source/sink  mass balance  release experiment