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Zhu Xianlong,Lei Yilun,Yang Yu,Luo Hong,Lai Ruicong,Luo Wenlei,Wang Rong,Xu Runbing,Xing Peng.Response of phytoplankton community structure to the vertical mixing process in Lake Fuxian. J. Lake Sci.2025,37(1):36-49. DOI:10.18307/2025.0111
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1.云南大学生态与环境学院,云南高原山地生态与退化环境修复重点实验室,昆明 650091 ;2.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所,湖泊与流域水安全重点实验室,南京 211135 ;3.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所,湖泊与环境国家重点实验室,南京 211135 ;4.中国科学院抚仙湖高原深水湖泊研究站,玉溪 652500 ;5.抚仙湖高原深水湖泊云南省野外科学观测研究站,玉溪 652500
关键词:  抚仙湖  垂直混合  浮游植物  营养盐  驱动因子
Response of phytoplankton community structure to the vertical mixing process in Lake Fuxian
Zhu Xianlong1,2,3,Lei Yilun1,Yang Yu1,Luo Hong1,Lai Ruicong1,Luo Wenlei2,3,4,5,Wang Rong2,3,4,5,Xu Runbing1,Xing Peng2,3
1.Yunnan Key Laboratory for Plateau Mountain Ecology and Restoration of Degraded Environments, School of Ecology and Environmental Science, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091 , P.R.China ;2.Key Laboratory of Lake and Watershed Science for Water Security, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 211135 , P.R.China ;3.State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 211135 , P.R.China ;4.The Fuxianhu Station of Plateau Deep Lake Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yuxi 652500 , P.R.China ;5.Fuxianhu Research Station for Plateau Deep Lake Ecosystem, Yuxi 652500 , P.R.China
During winter, the decline of thermal stratification and the mixing of water in deep lakes can alter the distribution pattern of nutrients, and potentially affect the succession of phytoplankton communities in lake ecosystems. In this study, high-frequency observations of physicochemical environmental factors and phytoplankton communities were conducted along vertical profiles during stratification decline, mixing, and stratification formation periods in Lake Fuxian, a deep plateau lake, from November 2022 to April 2023. The spatiotemporal characteristics of phytoplankton communities in response to the thermodynamic mixing process were investigated. The results showed that the mixing process caused significant spatiotemporal changes in physicochemical environmental parameters. Compared with the stratification-declining period and stratification-formation period, the concentrations of total phosphorus (TP), dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP), phosphate (PO3-4-P), and chlorophyll-a (Chl.a) in the water were significantly increased during the mixing period, while the concentrations of total nitrogen (TN), dissolved nitrogen (DN), particulate nitrogen (PN), ammonium nitrogen (NH3-N), and nitrate nitrogen (NO-3-N) were significantly decreased by mixing. Among the phytoplankton community, the green algae Mougeotia and Chlorella had higher densities than other species throughout the observation period, while the cyanobacteria Dolichospermum and Cylindrospermopsis had the highest densities during the stratification-declining period, and the diatom Melosira and the cryptomonad Cryptomonas had the highest densities during the mixing period, and the green algae Scenedesmus had the highest densities during the stratification formation period. Redundancy analysis showed that the dynamic changes in NH3-N, PO3-4-P, and alkaline phosphatase activities significantly influenced the composition of the phytoplankton community. Moreover, the sensitivity of phytoplankton to nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients varied among different species. Dolichospermum and Mougeotia showed a positive correlation with N nutrients and a negative correlation with nutrients, while the densities of other phytoplankton species exhibited an opposite pattern, showing a negative correlation with nitrogen and a positive correlation with phosphorus. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the driving mechanisms of phytoplankton community dynamics during the water mixing period. On one hand, water temperature directly impacted the structure of the phytoplankton community. On the other hand, water temperature indirectly drove changes in the structure of the phytoplankton community by regulating the concentrations of different forms of nitrogen (NO-3-N, NH3-N) and phosphorus (PO3-4-P and dissolved organic phosphorus). Ultimately, these direct and indirect effects collectively contribute to the changed in the concentration of Chl.a. This study contributed to our understanding of the effects of thermal stratification changes on the structure and function of lake ecosystems in deep lakes. In the context of global changes, strengthening research on mechanisms and ecological environmental effects of thermal stratification in lakes and reservoirs can support the protection and management of lake ecosystems.
Key words:  Lake Fuxian  vertical mixing  phytoplankton  nutrient  driving factors