





引用本文:杨文焕,梁俊泓,李艳芳,张明宇,王志超,李卫平.寒区湖泊冰封期与非冰封期蓝藻群落特征分析.湖泊科学,2025,37(1):61-77. DOI:10.18307/2025.0113
Yang Wenhuan,Liang Junhong,Li Yanfang,Zhang Mingyu,Wang Zhichao,Li Weiping.Cyanobacterial community characteristics during ice-covered and non-ice-covered periods in lakes of cold regions. J. Lake Sci.2025,37(1):61-77. DOI:10.18307/2025.0113
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1.内蒙古科技大学能源与环境学院,包头 014010 ;2.黄河流域内蒙古段生态保护与综合利用自治区协同创新中心,包头 014010
关键词:  寒区湖泊  蓝藻  群落结构  生态位  迁移
Cyanobacterial community characteristics during ice-covered and non-ice-covered periods in lakes of cold regions
Yang Wenhuan1,2,Liang Junhong1,Li Yanfang1,Zhang Mingyu1,Wang Zhichao1,2,Li Weiping1,2
1.College of Energy and Environment, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou 014010 , P.R.China ;2.Autonomous Region Level Ecological Protection and Comprehensive Utilization Cooperative Innovation Center for the Inner Mongolia Section of the Yellow River Basin, Baotou 014010 , P.R.China
Based on the community change of overwintering cyanobacteria, this study aimed to elucidate ecological changes in different lakes. A sampling program was conducted at 10 sampling sites in Lake Daihai, Lake Wuliangsuhai, and Lake Nanhai in January and July 2022, with samples from the upper water and sediment. These samples were used to investigate the community structure, abundance variations, and diversity of cyanobacteria in various types of lakes in the Inner Mongolia lake region during both the ice-covered and non-ice-covered periods. The results showed large variation in the abundance and diversity of cyanobacteria between the ice-covered and non-ice-covered periods of lakes, providing a good explanation for the ecological changes. During the non-ice-covered period, the abundance of cyanobacteria in Lake Wuliangsuhai and Lake Nanhai was significantly higher than that during the ice-covered period. Conversely, in Lake Daihai, the abundance of cyanobacteria in water was significantly higher during the ice-covered period than that during the non-ice-covered period, attributed to the unique water quality of the lake, and the abundance of cyanobacteria in the sediment during the non-ice-covered period was significantly higher than that during the ice-covered period. Additionally, the ecological niche widths of the dominant genera in different lakes varied across periods. Specifically, the dominant cyanobacteria in Lake Daihai and Lake Nanhai were generally able to utilize a diverse range of resources during both the non-ice-covered and ice-covered periods, whereas the dominant cyanobacteria in Lake Wuliangsuhai had fewer resources readily available to them. Based on neutral modeling and redundancy analysis, it is clear that during the non-ice-covered period, the water bodies and sediments of Lake Wuliangsuhai and Lake Nanhai were significantly influenced by stochastic processes. In contrast, the sediments of Lake Daihai and the water of Lake Nanhai were more constrained by environmental factors. Additionally, there were seasonal variations in the composition and structure of cyanobacterial communities in cold-region lakes, with the main driving factors of water temperature, total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen and pH. This study can serve as a valuable reference for the protection and management of lake ecology in cold regions.
Key words:  Lakes of cold regions  cyanobacteria  community structure  ecological niche  transfer