





引用本文:肖杨,刘凯,王英才,刘洋洋,周旋,梁建奎,雷琦,李珏纯,杨瑞,张瑞雷,彭玉.基于DNA条形码的长江流域沼蛤序列和形态多样性分析.湖泊科学,2025,37(1):194-203. DOI:10.18307/2025.0133
Xiao Yang,Liu Kai,Wang Yingcai,Liu Yangyang,Zhou Xuan,Liang Jiankui,Lei Qi,Li Juechun,Yang Rui,Zhang Ruilei,Peng Yu.Analyzing sequence and morphological diversity of Limnoperna fortunei in the Yangtze River Basin based on DNA barcoding. J. Lake Sci.2025,37(1):194-203. DOI:10.18307/2025.0133
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1.上海海洋大学环境DNA技术与水生态健康评估工程中心,上海 201306 ;2.生态环境部长江流域生态环境监督管理局生态环境监测与科学研究中心,武汉 430010 ;3.中国南水北调集团中线有限公司,北京 100038
关键词:  淡水壳菜  COI基因  ITS1基因  形态特征  栖息生境
Analyzing sequence and morphological diversity of Limnoperna fortunei in the Yangtze River Basin based on DNA barcoding
Xiao Yang1,2,Liu Kai3,Wang Yingcai2,Liu Yangyang3,Zhou Xuan2,Liang Jiankui3,Lei Qi2,Li Juechun3,Yang Rui2,Zhang Ruilei1,Peng Yu2
1.Engineering Research Center of Environmental DNA and Ecological Water Health Assessment, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306 , P.R.China ;2.Changjiang Basin Ecology and Environment Monitoring and Scientific Research Center, Changjiang Basin Ecology and Environment Administration,Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Wuhan 430010 , P.R.China ;3.China South-to-North Water Diversion Middle Route Corporation Limited, Beijing 100038 , P.R.China
In recent years, the problem of biological fouling by Limnoperna fortune (Dunker, 1857) has occurred in water resources and hydraulic engineering, affecting the safety of water transmission and production of water conservancy and hydropower projects to varying degrees. The problem has attracted extensive attention from the domestic and foreign communities. This study showed that L. fortunei in the Yangtze River Basin was mainly distributed in the low altitude area of Sichuan and below. No record was found in the high-altitude area above Sichuan. Phylogenetic tree analysis utilizing COI and ITS1 genes revealed two groups of L. fortunei in the Yangtze River Basin. The A+T content of COI sequences was notably higher at 64.7% compared to the C+G content at 35.3%, with intraspecific genetic distances ranging from 0 to 0.123. The total haplotype diversity index for COI sequences was 0.893. The nucleotide diversity index was 0.069. For the ITS1 sequences, the A+T content was 45.3% and the C+G content was 54.7%, with intraspecific genetic distances ranging from 0 to 0.061. The total haplotype diversity index for ITS1 sequences was 0.679. The nucleotide diversity index was 0.028. Genetic differentiation analysis based on the COI gene yielded a coefficient of genetic differentiation of 0.844 and a coefficient of differential gene differentiation of 0.118 between the two related groups. Similarly, analysis based on the ITS1 gene resulted in a coefficient of genetic differentiation of 0.927 and a coefficient of differential gene differentiation of 0.492. The morphological characteristics and habitat analysis showed that there were significant differences in the morphological characteristics and habitats of the two ecotypes of L. fortunei in the Yangtze River basin, which can be clearly divided into two groups, i.e., Group 1 and Group 2 as shown in COI and ITS1 gene analysis. The length-height ratio, length-width ratio and ligament length of the two groups were significantly different. Group 1 mainly lived in the areas with slow flow and pebble-based bottom, showing a slow flow type. Group 2 mainly lived in the areas with fast flow and sand-based bottom, showing a rapid flow type, and had stronger adaptability to the environment. It had a wider distribution range than Group 1. This study improved our understanding of the basic biological information of L. fortunei in the Yangtze River basin, and provided a reference for the comprehensive prevention and control of L. fortunei in the basin.
Key words:  Limnoperna fortunei  COI gene  ITS1 gene  morphological characteristics  habitat